Summary of learning for improved practice around assessments

Summary of learning for improved practice around assessments

Assessments help professionals to identify strengths, needs, risks and protective factors in the lives of the children and families they work with. They are an essential part of planning, deciding, and reviewing what action needs to be taken to support or safeguard children. However, case reviews, research and reports repeatedly identify concerns around how assessments are conducted.

Free Webinar: Exploring online misogyny and image-based abuse (Marie Collins Foundation)

Free Webinar: Exploring online misogyny and image-based abuse (Marie Collins Foundation)

Join Marie Collins Foundation (MCF) for a highly informative online webinar on Friday 22nd March 2024 at 11:00 AM GMT with guest speaker, Lizzie Reeves from Internet Matters.

Lizzie is a Senior Policy Manager and is responsible for the development of research and policy positions on children's safe use of digital technology. You will also hear from MCF Head of Advocacy, Rhiannon-Faye McDonald.

Child Modern Slavery

Child Modern Slavery

Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT UK) and the University of Nottingham Rights Lab have published new research investigating child modern slavery in the UK.

The research analyses initiatives supporting the prevention and early identification of children experiencing or at risk of modern slavery in the United Kingdom from 2015 to 2023. Findings highlight: the critical role of local authorities as first responders in cases of child modern slavery; risk factors associated with child modern slavery for children in care; and a need for a comprehensive and overarching child exploitation strategy that addresses the gaps in existing legislation.

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel Annual Report 2022-23

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel Annual Report 2022-23

The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel for England has published its 2022/23 annual report.

The report analyses data and outlines learning from serious incidents, rapid reviews, local child safeguarding practice reviews, national reviews, thematic analysis and reports. Key themes explored include supporting critical thinking and professional challenge; impact of racial, ethnic and cultural identity on the lived experience of children; and recognising and responding to the vulnerability of babies.