FREE: Self-Initiated Terrorism & the online space webinar

FREE: Self-Initiated Terrorism & the online space webinar

This is a free CPD session aimed at children’s work force, social care, teachers, all schools and education staff, parents and carers.

The session addresses the significant counter terrorism risk where self-initiated extremism can lead to terrorism. A phenomenon almost exclusively that takes place online, this session will look at how and in what ways this can happen, as well as considering some online and offline solutions.

Free Webinar: “How does this impact me “ - Safely discussing international conflicts 

Free Webinar: “How does this impact me “ - Safely discussing international conflicts 

This workshop is designed to increase practitioner confidence in discussing international conflict - think war, terrorism, violence - with young people and community members. The session will teach mentoring skills and best practice facilitation to support practitioners to safely engage with at-risk young people on controversial, sensitive, and often painful subjects.

FREE WEBINAR: Opening Doors: Access to Early Childhood Services for Families Impacted by Poverty in the UK

FREE WEBINAR: Opening Doors: Access to Early Childhood Services for Families Impacted by Poverty in the UK

In the UK, more than one in three (36%) children in families where the youngest child is under five are living in poverty. Existing evidence shows links between a young child’s socio-economic background and their health, wellbeing and development outcomes.

On Wednesday 4th December 2024, 15.00 – 16.00, this webinar will share the findings from the research during an online webinar and we would be delighted if you could join.

Bedfordshire Neglect Campaign: 'Stop, Think; Neglect'

Bedfordshire Neglect Campaign: 'Stop, Think; Neglect'

Join us to learn how Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton Safeguarding Children Partnerships are working with the NSPCC to develop a Neglect Awareness Campaign for Bedfordshire.

You will hear from 'Penelope' who shares her lived experience, alongside local practitioners, NSPCC and Childline who will highlight the importance of identifying and responding to Neglect to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families. The session will also signpost to a range of resources available to Bedfordshire based practitioners to support their work.



Today marks the start of Sceptre, a week where you’ll see police forces across the country working to tackle knife crime.

While Police efforts to get knives off the streets of Bedfordshire take place all year round, Sceptre is an opportunity for us to showcase this activity.

But it isn’t just about police enforcement…