Modern slavery First Responders: Free Home Office eLearning

Modern slavery First Responders:  Free Home Office eLearning

This free training, organised by the Home Office, provides guidance on how to spot the signs of modern slavery, and what to do when you come across a potential victim of modern slavery. The aim of the training is to provide all First Responders with a consistent knowledge basis on how to effectively identify and refer, where appropriate, potential victims of modern slavery to the National Referral Mechanism.

Free Psychological First Aid eLearning from Public Health England

COVID-19: Psychological First Aid – free training from Public Health England which aims to increase awareness and confidence to provide psychosocial support to people affected by COVID-19. Suitable for all frontline and essential workers and volunteers. No previous qualifications are required. Click here.

Some additions info;

BBC NEWSNIGHT: Children's experiences of abuse and domestic violence during lockdown

The NSPCC has given Newsnight exclusive insight into children’s experiences of domestic violence during the lockdown. The NSPCC has seen calls to its helplines on domestic abuse rise by a third since the start of lockdown.

Click ‘log in/ register’ on the homepage, log in and search ‘Domestic Violence and Abuse' to access our free eLearning.