Education for a Connected World (2020)

School leaders, teachers and other members of the children’s workforce will find that this updated curriculum framework provides guidance on supporting children and young people to navigate the digital world safely.

What is it?

This curriculum framework provides guidance on supporting children and young people to navigate the digital world safely.

It specifically focuses on:

  • Self-image and identity

  • Online relationships 

  • Online reputation

  • Online bullying

  • Managing online information

  • Health, wellbeing and lifestyle 

  • Privacy and security

  • Copyright and ownership

In each area, it describes the skills and understanding children and young people should have the opportunity to develop at different ages and stages.

The framework was updated in June 2020 to reflect the introduction of statutory RSE in England in September, and expands learning outcomes related to:

  • understanding, respecting and protecting individual autonomy, and;

  • the right to give or withhold consent.

It also repositions some outcomes in response to new behaviours related to safeguarding.

The framework was developed by the UK Council for Internet Safety (UKCIS).

How to use it

You can use the framework to:

  • Develop a curriculum to support young people to be safe online

  • Audit and evaluate existing provision

  • Coordinate delivery of online safety education throughout the curriculum

  • Improve engagement on issues related to online safety

  • Develop training for staff and governors/board members

Who can use it

School leaders, teachers and other members of the children’s workforce that provide online safety education.

Where to find it

Download the framework here.