FREE: Self-Initiated Terrorism & the online space webinar

Details: Wednesday 15th Jan 10:00 - 12:00.

This is a free CPD session aimed at children’s work force, social care, teachers, all schools and education staff, parents and carers.

The session addresses the significant counter terrorism risk where self-initiated extremism can lead to terrorism. A phenomenon almost exclusively that takes place online, this session will look at how and in what ways this can happen, as well as considering some online and offline solutions.

  • concepts like self-initiated terrorism, as well as theories related to how it comes about.

  • symbols, language, and propaganda often included in online spaces, as well as how they can radicalise

  • laws related to extreme and hateful content in an engaging manner

  • recognise susceptibility to harmful information, with a focus on SEMH and SEND needs especially online

  • confidence in online and offline solutions to these problems, as well as when to intervene

To book on  - Eventbrite link 

Please not, this is not a Safeguarding Bedfordshire event, please contact the organisers direct with any questions.