Families First Pathway- free event for Luton based practitioners

Safeguarding Bedfordshire are supporting a one-day learning event to support Luton based practitioners and our Partners to further develop their safeguarding knowledge and effective working practices, as part of Luton’s Families First Pathfinder project.

The event will provide Practitioners and Partners with fundamental knowledge from Working Together 2023, covering Universal, Children in Need through to Section 47. It will give better knowledge of MASH to provide good quality referrals for all colleagues, including education/schools.

The day will also provide a better understanding of the complexity and the differences with children with disabilities including EHCP/SEND.

If you are a Luton based practitioner, please request your place via Safeguarding Bedfordshire. Once logged in, please click EVENTS then AVAILABLE EVENTS and search LUTON.

Families First Pathway

Wednesday 13th November

9.30am-4pm (TEAMS)