CoronaVirus & Young People's Mental Health

CoronaVirus & Young People's Mental Health

Researchers at the universities of Essex, Surrey and Birmingham have published findings from a Nuffield Foundation funded study looking at the role of school closures in England on the emotional and behavioural wellbeing of children aged 5-11. The study found a significant rise in emotional and behavioural difficulties among primary school children following the 2020 spring and summer term school closures, and that this rise was greater for children who were not prioritised to return to school for six weeks before the summer holiday.

Fact Sheet: Positions of Trust & updates to the law

Fact Sheet: Positions of Trust & updates to the law

The Ministry of Justice has announced the Positions of Trust law, which currently applies in England and Wales to roles like teachers and social workers, will be extended as part of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill to protect teenagers from abuse by making it illegal for sports coaches and religious leaders from engaging in sexual activity with 16 and 17-year-olds in their care.

Domestic Abuse: learning from local audits & reviews (FREE webinar)

Domestic Abuse: learning from local audits & reviews (FREE webinar)

Domestic Abuse is often a hidden crime and your role in spotting the signs supporting safety is important. This free webinar aims to bring together practitioners from both children and adults services to share learning from Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR), Pan Bedfordshire Case Audits and Serious Case Reviews (SCR).

Attendees will hear from local professionals describing the impact and complexities of Domestic Abuse along with referrals, resources and support for those experiencing abuse and for the professionals working with them.

Safeguarding in a Digital Age

Safeguarding in a Digital Age

This morning we ran our 'Safeguarding Children in a Digitial Age' training session.

Attendees spoke about the speed that technology has developed and the challenges for professionals and parents to stay up to date with social media trends, apps and language.

If you work with children, young people and/ or families in Bedfordshire and would like to stay up to date with our latest training offer, please sign up to our mailing list.