You may be interested in listening to this BBC Radio 4 article (from around 52 minutes in) where a survivor talks about her experience where £31,000 debt was accrued by her partner and she lost her home because of it. It goes on to talk to Refuge about economic abuse and their Know Economic Abuse campaign.
Safeguarding Bedfordshire Training Programme 2020-21
Development Matters 'vodcast' from Foundation Years
NSPCC: Helping children recover from domestic abuse (Podcast)
Did you know that domestic abuse can have a psychological, physical and developmental effect on children?
Domestic abuse can both directly and indirectly disrupt the relationship between a parent and their child (Humphreys et al, 20061; Buchanan, 20182). Abuse can happen in any relationship, and both males and females can be abused or be abusers.
Barnado's: 'Mental health and Covid-19: in our own words'
This publication, from Barnado’s, presents findings from a survey of children and young people to identify their experiences of lockdown and what they will need to support their mental health and wellbeing coming out of the coronavirus crisis.
Resources for those working with people living with Dementia
Practitioners in adult social care have an important role in ensuring that people living with dementia and the people close to them receive support in order to lead good lives. With recent reports of people living with dementia being disproportionately impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19) it has become an even greater priority to support people with dementia, their carers and practitioners working with them.
Harmful sexual behaviour: Toolkit for professionals
NSPCC: Childhood trauma and the brain
NSPCC Learning has published a news story highlighting new resources to help bridge the gap between neuroscience and frontline practice. The resources are based on research carried out by University College London (UCL) looking at how children’s brains adapt to abusive or neglectful environments in ways that help in the short term but increase risk of mental health problems in the future. The resources include an animation, guidebook and set of videos about childhood trauma and brain development.
Coronavirus: physical abuse (NSPCC Briefing)
'Draw The Line': A new Domestic Abuse resource launches in September
REPORT: Babies in Lockdown
Best Beginnings, Home-Start UK and the Parent-Infant Foundation have published a report looking at the impact of the coronavirus crisis on babies and their parents of all backgrounds across the UK. Findings from 5,474 respondents to a survey include: 68% of parents felt the changes brought about by COVID-19 were affecting their unborn baby, baby or young child; 34% of respondents believed that their baby’s interaction with them had changed during the lockdown period; 61% of parents shared significant concerns about their own mental health; and in the post natal period only 11% of parents of under twos saw a health visitor face-to-face.